Weapons |
Blade of Awe!!!
Moglord Axe
Frostval Merc's Blade
Kingdom Breaker
Electro Fist
Long Talon
Samukematsuri Katana
Blade of Janus
storage: |
Your Bologna
Solid Gold Guardian Blade
The Liquefactor
Templar's Distinction
Guardian Melee Block Hammer III
Bluestar Rosethorn Lance
Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
Irolustre's Guardian Gouging Claw
Frigid Spire
Platinum Edge
King's DuaLight
Guardian Sparkler
Frostval Staff
Harvest Reaper
Samukematsuri Warbow
Armors |
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Nightfall's Facade
Reign Plate
Windter Warrior
Samukematsuri Samurai
Champion Holy Avenger
Poisonous Chimeran Defender
Fat & Tacky Santa
storage: |
Augur's Taladosian Robes
Primal Garb
Frostval Mercenary Garb
Quester's Euphotic Salvation Armor
Pria Knight Armour
Frostval Spirit Armor
Pyromancer's Robe
Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse
Bunny Jammies
Whispering Raiment
Moglord Tortress
Guardian Block Armor III
Bituminous Coal Armor
Werebunny Form
Black Pirate Costume
Holy Armor
Shields |
UltraGuardian Shield
Admirable Tower Shield
Samukematsuri Buckler
Undead Terror
Dragonslayer Shield
Accordion Shield
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
storage: |
Eye of Naab
Moglord Shield
Frostval Tree Topper
Father Time
Guardian Spongy Trampoline
Shiny Ornament Shield
Aerodu Shield
NerfLord's Crest
Darkness Shield
Heritage Memorial Shield
Hexbound Solar Photosphere
Spells |
Illuminate Ultra
Earth Fury
Overcharged Extreme Recovery
Moglin Carolers
Guardian Gnome Stampede III
storage: |
PieRat's Vengeance
Twelve Days of Frostval
Greater Recovery
Greater Spellcraft
Frogzard Shapeshift
Lost Deck of Guardian's OverSoul Cards
Summon Poelala
Samukematsuri Caltrops
Pets |
Templar's Contract
Nightfall's Omen
Reign Phoenix
Retro Twilly G
Moglord Warboar
Augur's Sacragon
Samukematsuri Kirin
storage: |
Fairy Godmother G
Pixel Stalker
Happy Hummingpotamus
Pumpkin Golem
Gong of the Wind!
Deadeye Cupid
Roasted Chestnut
Guardian NPC in a Box III
Baby Void Dragon
Azamay Gneiss Guardian Golem
Super Chiken
Misc Items |
Fire Sign
Bronze Sign
Teacup of Life
Samukematsuri Oni Mask
Moglord Crown
Paladin's Oath
Scrumptious Bora'jee
Hero Serum
storage: |
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Pendant of The`Galin
Iron Sign
Paxia Award Trophy
Dragon Spirit Totem
Amulet of Drakonnan
Horo-Show Void Visor
Excelsior Elixir
House Paintings |
Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom
The Frost King
Earth Dragon
Chilly and Robina
Mother's Love
Nightmare Family
Portal to Trescol
Blarney Portal Painting
House Guards |
Master of Evil
Titles |
Witness to Greatness
Master Adventurer
Master Guardian
Kingdom Breaker