AdventureQuest Player Vault
Paul's Vault
Weapons |
Staff of Astradex
Frostshard Sliver
Heavy Frostval Giant's Axe
Death's Reaver
Master's Blade
Terror Eater
Flame Flora
Silver Lightning Rod
Book of Burns
Healing Branch
Fracture Point
Lorekeeper's Oath
Ancient Mother Staff
Legendary Robina Surfboard
Patriot Katana
Legendary Safiria Kneeboard
The Burden of Insight
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Terminus Twinmaul
Arcane Cutlass of Gales
El Muchacho
Prime Orbs Kneeboard
Arcane Cutlass of Storms
Mighty Caissa
Healing Branch
Santarctic Conqueror
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Conqueror
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Punisher
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Punisher
Santarctic Conqueror
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Punisher
Chambered Eternity Love
Infinita Staff
Abyssal Taxing Cutlass of Nulgath
Staff of Inversion
Legion Fan
Book of Love
Underworld Tome
Luminous Whiff
Twisted Dragonfire Sword
Lunar Hare Lantern
Nickelclad Stormblade
Geographer's Hammer
Scholar's Quillblade
Developed Protector Rod
Adept Protector Rod
Liberty Launcher
Canuck Cannon
Eye of the Underworld
Shocked Monkey Shortboard
Winter Warden's Bombs
Winter Warden's Bombs
Winter Warden's Bombs
Winter Warden's Flail
Winter Warden's Flail
Winter Warden's Flail
Scythe of Serenia
Granddad's Greatsword
Doomlight FrostRipper Armaments
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Herald
Lovestruck Handcannon
Mechwog Sapper
Rebirth Staff
Ice Wizard's Tome
The Lost Knight's Blade
Aqua Magus Staff
Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon Not Just For Show
Radiant Spire of Transformation
Twilight Spire of Transformation
Edge of the End
Hollowborn Frost Reaver Armaments
New Wave Bardic Crescendo
Frost Magus Staff
Nightbane Clawclub
Nightbane Clawstaff
Zurvana's Blessing
Academy Standard
Academy Standard
Academy Wand
Academy Blade
Academy Standard
Academy Blade
Xalkos Thrax Athame
Lazgorath the World Ender
Melee Chromatic Olympax Pulverizer
The Reaping Gale
Fallen Angel's Zeal
Sleighguard Paragon Polearm
Sleighguard Paragon Polearm
Glacial Short Staff
Vigorous Forevermore Swornblade
Paintbender Battlemage Arsenal
Cap'n Scurvy Seeking Saber
Cap'n Scurvy Seeking Saber
Fungibushi Shroom Staff
Armors |
Blarney Rogue 2
Zardshi Rider
Retro Bard of War
Frigid Bard of War
Jolly Bard of War
Angelic Robes
Jack Claws
Jubilant Bard of War
Hexbound Solar Core
Eternal Champion's Spirit
Fiend of Light
Prestissimo Bard of War
Santa Avenger
Santa Avenger
Santa Avenger
Santa Avenger
Santa Avenger
Champion Holy Arcanist
Developed Protector Armor
Skilled Protector Armor
Winter Warden
Winter Warden
Undead Bard of War
Rock 'n' Rollin' Bard of War
Doomlight FrostRipper Armour
New Wave Bard of War
Infernal Angel's Liberation
Academy Exuberance
Academy Elegance
Shields |
Luna Defender
Sol Defender
Luna Defender
Valiant Hero Shield
Eternal Champion's Defiance
Infernal Champion's Curse
Sol Defender
Voidforged Celestial Aegis
Infernal Chaos Cauldron
Winter Wardstone
Doomlight FrostRipper Defender
Lovestruck Defender
Voidforged Celestial Aegis
Developed Protector Shield
Evolved Protector Shield
Skilled Protector Shield
Academy Pack
Academy Pack
Sovereign Horror Shield
Spells |
Summon Poelala
Call Sugar Gobbler
Summon Bun-Banneret
Summon Prototype Hunter Drone
Fireball Z
Void Dragon Ambush
Your Soul Burns Bright as a Beacon
Mandate LXXIV [MP]
Absolute Darkness [SP]
Summon Gaiden
Ornament Golem Assault
Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
Summon Bun-Banneret
Imanok Edoc
Call Mogru
Abominable Frostbite
Abominable Frostbite
Toothy Mawler [MP]
Buffalot's Beach Bod
Timekiller's 3:10 [MP]
Snake Master Strike [MP]
Call Exalted Defense Drone
Buffalot's Beach Bod
Darkness Orb Shroud
Seeing Red
Summon Essence of Carnage
Mana Cascade
Landlubbin' Pyre Rat Contract
Summon Poelala
Call Aurora the Bright Huntress
Prime Sleighguard Blessing [MP]
Pets |
Bronze Guardian Dragon Jr.
Bronze Guardian Dragon Jr.
Fae Wanderer
Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.
Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.
Reindeerling Slayer
Reindeerling Slayer
Reindeerling Slayer
Reindeerling Slayer
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Winter Warden's Abominite
Spotter Drake
Exalted Defense Drone
Storm Knight
Lorelympian Torchfoot
Azamay Marble Guardian Golem
Fred the Powder Donkey
Misc Items |
Red Server Cap
Brightslayer Dirk
Loaded Dice
Summoning Stone
Precise Frostval Crown
EbilCorp Logo
Iceborne Visage
Red Moondial
Supreme Azamay Chi Shielding Runestone Z
Mountain Pass Globe
Ferocious Frostval Crown
Lunar Wood Dragon Statue
Lovestruck Scope
Moontide Bracer
Infernal Lieutenant Minion Helm
Shadowstalker Charm
Frosty Gingerbrute Enforcer Jar
Soaring Heart Amulet
Paleskull Helm