AdventureQuest Player Vault

Brian's Vault


Mystic Long Talon
Voidsplinter Sunderer
Legendary Lumenomancer's Bloodblade
Samukematsuri Katana
Void Spear of War
Legendary Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword
Giant Butcherer
Legendary Terra Bloodzerker's Sword
Legendary Quenching Bloodzerker's Sword
Far Northern Wit
Legendary Festive Krieger Klaw
Thunder Lord's Staff
Regal DragonBlade
Ultra Elemental Axe
Twisted Gauntlet of Xano
Hydromancer's Bloodblade
Voltaic Bloodzerker's Sword
Dynamancer's Bloodblade
Dragon Blade of Nulgath
Quenching Bloodzerker's Sword
Twisted Star Sabre of Wisdom
Mad Scientist Mace
Chambered Eternity Love
Arms of Carnax
Legion Dragon Blade of Nulgath
Harvest Hibernation Staff
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Punisher
Devoured Pinnacle
Staff of Inversion
Prismatic Glory
Katar of Undeath
Haunted Dragonlord's Charge
Mighty Caissa
Gauntlet of The'Galin
Oath of Desire
Legion Marauder Claymore
Wingweaver's Wrath
Wingweaver's Fury
Rune Breaker Mace
Nail of the North Pole
Blade of Actuation
Heroic Titan's Herald
Lovestruck Swordalest
DreadStalker Clamp
Terror Eater
SGGB-255DL Hivediver Breaker


Ultimon's Armour
Fat & Tacky Santa
Cleric of Carnafex
Legendary Midnight Savage Werewolf Form
Samukematsuri Samurai
Golden Paragon Plate
School Uniform
Angel of Souls
Terra Bloodzerker
Chaos Slayer Darkness Cleric
Chaos Slayer Ice Cleric
Hurricane Predatory Vampire Form
Jack Claws
Radiant Bloodzerker
Eternal Champion's Spirit
Academy Elegance
Thunder Groom
Daimyo Rider
She-Nyaa Form
Chaosborn Agent Plate
Terror Raiment


Hyperalphean Skjoldr
Jack Bracer
Geo Logos
Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will
Nilak's Frostflake
Infernal Champion's Curse
Vengeance of Nulgath Defender


Samukematsuri Caltrops
Spectral Chains
Manifest Envy
Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]


Reindeerling Slayer

Misc Items

A Favour Repaid
Perion Crest
Mountain Pass Globe
Gold Storage Chest
Gold Storage Chest
Gold Storage Chest
Gold Storage Chest
Guardian Despair Visage