WarpForce Character
Vampire Fexy
Born on 7/18/2009
Became a Guardian on 12/2/2009
Last Played on 4/18/2010
Weapons |
WarpGuardian Blaster Rifle
Tronzor's Palpable Dual Blade
Wobbling Cisor
Peppermint LaserCane
Blustery Beam Lance
Poisonous Cybud
Asteroid Cutter Mod W2
storage: |
Baleful Galaxythe
Armors |
WarpGuardian Gunner
Warp Star Ninja
Heavy Gunner Model WD
WarpTrooper IVW
Star Knight
AA-Cell Energizer
Shields |
Improved Lightning Gauntlet
WG Power Gauntlet
Network Deflector
Fabled WarpGuardian Hand of Creation
Guardian NanoGauntlet
Spells |
Warp Medic VI
Gamma Emitter 4100
Pulling Vacuum
Summon Zorboz
Pets |
cl166 Warp Bot
Marvelous Warp Glador
WG Mallard Quog
Rollicking Comet
8A51C Model D
Furry WG Skitter
Misc Items |
WarpGuardian Helmet
Star Knight Hood
Emerald Star of Courage
Temura's Trust
Guardian Space Astramorph
Virin Buddy