Weapons |
Spear of Awe
Asgardian Truncheon of Thunderbolts
Bee Bee Gun
Inferno Longbow
Prizewinner's Rod
Exalted Absolix Polearm
Morningstar Exalted Cross
Nerf Ravager
storage: |
Calvarian Ebil Scythe
Vitae Thirster
Raynar's Ultimate Blade
Ice Katana
Custom Sword
Nautica Blade
Moglord Bow
Moglord Bow
Armors |
Deft Armor of Awe
Asgardian Thunderbolts' Might
Inquisitor's Ardor
Protector Armor
Reign Plate
Morningstar Legacy
Rogue Outfit
Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo
storage: |
Anthracite Coal Armor
Frostval Spirit Armor
Moglord Tortress
Shields |
Shield of Awe
Chieftain's IronThorn
Sackelberry Shield
Spell Blocker
Skilled Protector Shield
Eye of Naab
Demon Phantasm Prison
Inquisitor's Resolution
storage: |
Reign Defender
Red Pinecone Shield
Frostval Tree Topper
Sparkling Ornament Shield
Moglord Shield
Spells |
Scrambler Beam
Summon Argent Gnil
Randomizing Beam
Summon Krenos
Damnation V
Summon High Paladin
Summon Malinius VI
storage: |
Sharpened Lawn Darts
Major Award
Pets |
Skilled Protean
Inquisitor's Vow
Red Muhrble
Blizzard Vampragon
Retro Twilly
Inferno Vampragon
storage: |
Squirrel of Order
Eventide's Premonition
Vampire Nerfbat
Reign Phoenix
Roasted Chestnut
Blue Muhrble
Moglord Warboar
Misc Items |
Bar of Soap
Wind Orb
Fire Orb
Dark Orb
Light Orb
Scrumptious Bora'jee
Golden Goblet
Urn of Daryngord
storage: |
Ice Orb
Pet Whistle
Energy Orb
Mark of Hope
Head of Raydius Dragon
Whoopee Cushion
Beleqwaya's Gift
Mindlock Orb V
Everfrozen Shard
Moglord Crown Z
Moglord Crown
House Paintings |
Witches Portrait
The Nautican Bard
The Nautican Thinker
Culak and Kendrel
Nightbane's Last Stand
Portal to Kairula
Portal to Trescol
House Guards |
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Guard Sheep
Bishop Finch
Guard Dog
BURP Guard
Fluffy Guard Sheep
Guard Dog
Gogg Guard
Master of Evil