AdventureQuest Character
Born on 9/7/2007
Became a Guardian on 9/7/2007
Last Played on 1/24/2013
War Battle Records
4 character
Weapons |
Blade of Awe
Ultra Chain Axe
King's DuaLight
Brilhado Blade
Guardian Kragoth's Broadsword
Blood Blade
Captain's Hook
Distorted Dragonblade
storage: |
Bee Bee Gun
Mirnenbrot Maul
Frozen Flagpole
Frostval Staff
Armors |
Guardian Plate
Primal Garb
Berserker Hides
Bunny Jammies
Elite Dragon Slayer
Reign Plate
Obsidian Cloak
Shiny Boy
storage: |
Bituminous Coal Armor
Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse
Frostval Spirit Armor
Shields |
Guardian Shield
Eye of Naab
Dragonslayer Shield
Blowout Shield
Shimmering Shield
Chieftain's IronThorn
Shiny Ornament Shield
storage: |
Frostval Tree Topper
Spells |
Summon Krenos
Greater Charm
Greater Recovery
Superior Award
Summon Galrick
Summon Diviara
Greater Spellcraft
Summon Eldron
storage: |
Frogzard Shapeshift
Pointy Lawn Darts
Summon Giliara
Pets |
Yellow Muhrble
Rose Floret
Dire Razorclaw
Pumpkin Golem
Fairy Godmother G
storage: |
Little Death
Ebil Toys
Lavender Floret
Infuriating Evil Candy Cane
Guardian Lightning Wyvern
Roasted Chestnut
Misc Items |
Bronze Sign
Iron Sign
Fire Sign
Wood Sign
Pet Whistle
Water Sign
Stone Sign
Light Orb
storage: |
Bar of Soap
Love Potion #732
Crucible of Fire V
House Paintings |
Mother's Love