AdventureQuest Character
Born on 6/20/2007
Became a Guardian on 7/17/2008
Last Played on 10/20/2012
War Battle Records
4 character
Weapons |
Blade of Awe
Nova Knight Kilij
Guardian Hourglass Axe
Frozen Time Spines
Gaiden's Keen Blade
Armors |
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Primal Garb
Rogue Outfit
Cycling Circus Ubear Form
Bacabs' Finesse
Shields |
UltraGuardian Shield
Chieftain's IronThorn
Pets |
Red Muhrble
Yellow Muhrble
Fairy Godmother
Big Clone
Maple Leaf Turkey '12
Misc Items |
Koofu Kaller
Pet Whistle
Red Server Cap
Teacup of Life