AdventureQuest Character

The Guy


Born on 10/7/2006
Became a Guardian on 5/3/2008
Last Played on 8/6/2023

House: Forest Mansion Estate

War Battle Records   Hide Records

2 character wins
4 character wins
3 character wins
2 character wins
8 character 280 army wins
11 character 70 army wins
17 character 34 army wins
104 character wins
5 character 79 army wins
11 character wins
49 character wins
7 character 19 army wins
69 character 51 army wins
54 character 218 army wins
8 character 161 army wins
6 character wins
19 character 140 army wins
16 character 6 army wins
4 character 236 army wins
2 character 180 army wins
12 character 27 army wins
4 character wins
4 character wins
11 character wins
12 character 15 army wins
4 character wins
0 character 9 army wins
31 character 61 army wins
1 character wins


Blade of Awe!!!
Ice Katana
Rx for Destruction
Grand Tenderiser
Moglord Axe
Kabiran Defender
Solar Flair Staff
Frostval Merc's Blade


Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Moglord Tortress
Radiant Solaris Plate
Morningstar Legacy
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Prophet's Taladosian Robes
Offensive Test Armour
Pria Knight Armour


UltraGuardian Shield
Chieftain's IronThorn
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Cutting Edge Guard
Hand of Chillax
Fire Shield
Moglord Shield
Radiant Solaris Shield


Kiss of the Amesha V
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor


Gong of the Wind!
Beastly Eye Spy
Fairy Godmother G
Moglord Warboar

Misc Items

Mindlock Orb V
Beleqwaya's Gift
Power Shard IV: Hogg
Morningstar Token
Shield Generator
Head of Raydius Dragon
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade

House Paintings

Mother's Love
Portal to Trescol
Portal to Kairula
Golden Giftbox Painting

House Guards

Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Dragoncat Guard
Gogg Guard
Bishop Finch
Drakel Bouncer
Death Worms
MeGogg Guard
