All your moglin are belong to me!

AdventureQuest Character



Born on 7/8/2006
Became a Guardian on 6/9/2007
Last Played on 7/10/2024

Mirror Disguises


Shared Vault: View Contents

House: Darkovia Mansion Estate

Under Attack! Dark Mana Collector Under Attack! Graveyard Under Attack! Woodcutter Shack Under Attack! Fishing Pond Under Attack! Trade Hut Under Attack! Guard Tower Under Attack! Storage Building Under Attack! Museum Under Attack! Vegetable Garden Under Attack! Mana Collector Under Attack! Stone Pit Under Attack! Mega World Portal Under Attack! Storage Building II Under Attack! Corn Field Under Attack! Ye Olde Eatery Under Attack! Magic Stat Trainer Under Attack! Battle Stat Trainer Under Attack! Beanstalk Under Attack! Woodcutter Shack II Under Attack! Dark Mana Collector II Under Attack! Graveyard II Under Attack! Storage Building III Under Attack! Storage Building IV Under Attack! Corn Field II Under Attack! Mana Collector II Under Attack! Fishing Pond II Under Attack! Cave Entrance Under Attack! Storage Building V Under Attack! Fishing Pond III Under Attack! Graveyard III Under Attack! Vegetable Garden II Under Attack! Stone Pit II Under Attack! Woodcutter Shack III Under Attack! Corn Field III Under Attack! Mana Collector III Under Attack! Stone Pit III Under Attack! Vegetable Garden III Under Attack! Dark Mana Collector III

War Battle Records   Hide Records

4614 character wins
4614 character wins
118 character wins
3048 character wins
3415 character wins
583 character wins
5947 character wins
339 character wins
2710 character 2 guard wins
2710 character 10 guard wins
3493 character wins
2 character wins
1970 character wins
3111 character wins
867 character wins
395 character 455 guard wins
2644 character wins
432 character wins
470 character wins
1009 character wins
7212 character wins
2527 character 2169 guard wins
1011 character wins
4461 character 532 guard wins
2805 character 1096 guard wins
267 character 782 guard wins
1404 character 844 guard wins
0 character 28 guard wins
114 character wins
17 character wins
187 character 668 guard wins
7 character wins
1407 character 563 guard wins
284 character 916 guard wins
169 character wins
84 character wins
32 character wins
163 character wins
4 character wins
4 character wins
10 character wins
1 character wins
14 character wins
1 character wins
12 character 539 guard wins
36 character wins
1010 character wins
34 character wins
100 character wins
1 character wins
39 character wins
59 character 771 guard wins
163 character 737 guard wins
20 character 539 guard wins
90 character 920 guard wins
174 character 716 guard wins
48 character 1110 guard wins
24 character 910 guard wins
0 character 746 guard wins
2 character 590 guard wins
0 character 886 guard wins
6 character wins
89 character 835 guard wins
4 character 437 guard wins
21 character 1111 guard wins
60 character 63 guard wins
136 character 731 guard 12 army wins
0 character 773 guard wins
20 character 1121 guard wins
429 character 1096 guard wins
0 character 526 guard wins
12 character 547 guard wins
26 character 600 guard wins
4 character wins
449 character 632 guard 77 army wins
83 character 696 guard wins
206 character 556 guard wins
357 character 610 guard wins
23 character 336 guard 49 army wins
49 character 435 guard wins
64 character 400 guard 499 army wins
2 character wins
179 character 323 guard 604 army wins
16 character wins
5 character wins
62 character 518 guard 211 army wins
608 character 277 guard wins
0 character 459 guard 53 army wins
6 character 132 guard 144 army wins
0 character 96 army wins
12 character 157 guard 112 army wins
18 character 313 guard 184 army wins
0 character 39 guard 67 army wins
16 character wins
20 character 64 guard 65 army wins
0 character 64 guard wins
0 character 99 guard 112 army wins
56 character wins
149 character wins


Staff of Awe!!!
Moglin Fan
Frigid Devouring Scythe
Luminous Whiff
Retro Big 100k
Far Northern Wit
Silver Olymp Axe
Radiant Light of Sunscale
   20th Anniversary Guardian Blade
   Mad Scientist Mace Z
   Olymp Axe
   Fanatiker's Hammer
   Flame Flora Z
   Cryo Draconic Chronomancer Armaments
   Aodh's Blazing Intervention
   Hurricane Soul Drinker
   Veywild Staff
   Sunscale Armaments
   Adventurer Figure
   Card of Hearts
   Shadowstrike Guardian Dragon Blade
   Legendary Lumenomancer's Bloodblade
   Arcane Warmaster's Reaver
   Moglord Sceptre
   Changing Staff V
   Corrupted Pyro Chrono Dagger
   Frostwalker's Secret
   Legendary Hydromancer's Bloodblade
   Shadowwalker's Staff of Time
   Fire Draconic Blade
   Desert Raider Armaments
   Earthstrike Guardian Dragon Blade
   Eternal Chrono Dagger
   Elite Emancipator Falchion
   Book of Burns
   Frozen Magic Flagpole
   Crimson Dragon Strike Lance
   Nightbane Clawstaff
   Blood Storm
   Star Sabre of Passion
   Winds of Change Tome
   Infinity Lance
   Liryd Summoner
   Pristine Mystic Paxian Deliverance
   Antarctic Athame
   Beachmancer Blade
   Patriot Katana
   Frostval Merc's Kris
   Crimson Flame
   Magic French Vanilla Ice Katana
   Amalie Greatstaff
   Legendary Slayer's Lyfang
   Sentari Katana
   Mourn Staff G
   Myrmidon's Pugil Stick
   Ming Tree Staff
   Arcane Holiday Colossus
   Frostval Staff
   Thrale's Hatred
   Bloodsail Axe
   Impeccable Blade
   Thule Spear
   Guitar Axe
   Electric Guitar Axe
   Airenal's Lance
   Shadowscythe Breaker
   Xing Zang Dagger
   Chaos Fang
   Chaos Web
   Ill Radiance
   Eternity Spear
   Twig's Swordfish
   Amethyst Sunder
   Lyre of Lyrics
   Shadowfire Axe of Curses
   Enchanted Pixel Blade
   Carnafex Sceptre
   Kickstarter Might
   Ice Cream Sceptre
   Pumpkin Slayer
   JubJub Stick
   Samukematsuri Wakizashi
   Witching Staff
   Abyssal Drowning Depths
   Mystic Blade of Frostval Past
   Festive Blunderbuss
   Underworld Chrono Scythe
   Retro Granemor Kneeboard
   Retro Battleon Shortboard
   Retro Fire War Surfboard
   Veywild Axe
   Veywild Spear
   Academy Blade
   Stormglaive of Tiamoth
   Santarctic Destroyer
   Chrono Paladin Hammer
   Dark Chrono Paladin Hammer
   Continuum Chronomancer Blade
   Wingweaver's Wrath
   Wingweaver's Fury
   Wingweaver's Indignation
   Winter Warden's Flail
   IceShade Chrono Shadowslayer Armaments
   Chrono Shadowslayer Armaments


Insightful Armor of Awe
The Decimator
Windter Warrior
Zardshi Rider
Moglord Tortress
Transformer Armor
Ultimon's Armour
Cryomancer Bloodmage
   ShadowWalker of Time
   Jack ClawZ
   Bunny Jammies
   Giant's Might
   Chillax Crusader
   Beast King Jammies
   Armour of Frostval Past
   Frostval Mercenary Garb
   Full Metal Santa
   Shattered Savage Werewolf Form
   Dwarven Warrior
   Necromancer Cloak
   Yandere Snugglebear
   Twilly Form
   Chilly Form
   Lord of Thunder
   Hyperalphean Barbarian
   Dragonrider Mount
   Lumenomancer Bloodmage
   Hydromancer Bloodmage
   Ebil Knight
   Torontosaurus Rex
   Umazen Emancipator Armour
   Frostgale's Legacy
   Arctic Guardian Dragon Form Z
   Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z
   Hydro Guardian Dragon Form Z
   Voltaic Guardian Dragon Form Z
   Pyromancer Bloodmage
   Legendary Ethereal Savage Werewolf Form
   Kickstarter Hero
   Beachmancer Garb
   VelociZard Rider
   Pumpkin Overlord
   Frogzard Hunter
   Rebellious Burro Rider
   Frostval Spirit Armor
   Bloodstained Morningstar Bloodline
   Eventide's Guise
   Algern's Carapace
   Glorious Matchmaker
   Armor of Sensing
   Rust Raider
   Samukematsuri Samurai
   Winged Guardian
   Legendary Midnight Savage Werewolf Form
   Legendary Savage Werewolf Form
   White Knight Z
   Chronomancer Z
   Tyrannochicken Rex Rider
   Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit
   Frogzard Rider Armor
   Rabid Diretooth Form
   Anthracite Coal Armor
   Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armor
   Guardian Block Armor VI
   Nemesis' Testament
   Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
   Enraged Paindeer Mount
   ReignDragon Rider
   Advanced Werewolf
   Advanced Werepyre
   Master Thief
   Santa Avenger
   Regal ReignDragon Rider
   Winter Warden


Shield of Awe!!!
Moglord Shield
Stout Talon
Porcelain Protector
Thunderbird Joust Shield
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Shadowwalker's Shield of Time
Sunscale Defender
   Grinning Jack
   Dragon Strike Guard
   Magnus' Grand Tremor Bastion
   Hyperalphean Skjoldr
   Tectonic Tower Shield
   Desert Raider Defender
   Arthurian Shield
   Corrupted Pyro Chrono Shield
   Veywild Guard
   Spell Barricade
   Amethyst Guard
   Guardian Luminous Shield
   Pixel Guard
   Gelamation Barrier
   Hydro Blaze Shield
   Darkovian Bulwark
   Monster Talon
   Sentari Guard
   Candy Floss Shield
   Defender Leader's Shield
   Guardian Bouncy Trampoline
   Zombie Axe Master Shield
   Nemesis' Bastion
   Cutting Edge Guard
   Blazing Solaris Shield
   Asgardian Thunderbolts' Precision
   Chieftain's IronThorn
   Ramleoness Cub G
   Sparkling Ornament Shield
   Guardian Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
   Mystical Guardian Knotwork Shield
   Frostval Tree Topper
   Blowout Shield
   Amalgamated Frankenshield
   Agony Shield
   Heritage Memorial Shield
   Champion's Heart
   Frostshard Sliver Shield
   Red Pinecone Shield
   Father Time
   Heritage Memorial Shield
   Fireworks Buckler
   Fate's Betrayal
   Samukematsuri Buckler
   Chaser Bracer
   Defender of Frostval Past
   Lorian Shield
   Nutcracker Defender
   Cryo Draconic Chronomancer Shield
   Chrono Paladin Defender
   Dark Chrono Paladin Defender
   Continuum Chronomancer Shield
   Wingweaver's Aegis
   Winter Wardstone
   Chrono Shadowslayer Ward
   IceShade Chrono Shadowslayer Ward


Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Summon Memet Z
Call Mogdin
Drellie Blaze
Call PikaTwilly
Call of Chillax
Call Unity Squad Moglin
Necromantic WAHHHHH
   Call Twilda
   Undead Reindeer Stampede Z
   Moglin War Party
   Call Mana Bat
   Summon Poelala
   Purple Rain
   Call Twilly
   Veywild Crash
   Salad Shooter
   Ebil Pencil
   Eona's Draglins
   Colored PencilZ
   Summon Memet Z
   Frostbite G
   Overcharged Cure Fatal Wounds
   Moglord War Party
   Healing Wings
   Drakonnan's Fury G
   Moglin Carolers
   Guardian Gnome Stampede VI
   Transmogrified Water of Immortality
   Sword of Wind V
   Drone Strike
   Guardian Twig's Ewectwic Boogawoo
   Tentacle Fury V
   Lady Liberty's Footsteps
   Summon Coraline's Mother
   PieRat's Vengeance
   Summon Woolly Thoctar V
   Perfect Elemental Unity
   Damnation V
   Phantasms of Frostval
   Ninjat Flip-Out!
   Carnax Stomp G
   Pixel Storm
   Giant Friends
   Guardian Summon Eukara Vox VII
   Summon Plant Dragon VIII
   Samukematsuri Caltrops
   Lagoon Leviathan Blast
   Loco Eggsplosion
   Call Zorbot
   Summon Poelala
   Spectral Chains
   Bifrost Brilliance
   Deploy T.R.E.E.
   Dryad Aqua Blast
   Invoke Weredragon Breath
   Tenacious Dracolich Claws
   Hyperalphean Invocation
   Invincible Star
   Call Extraordinary Lepre-Chan
   Summon Extraordinary Lepre-Chan
   Astral Forbiddance
   Summon Moglotron
   Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
   Santarctic Crusher Z [Charisma]
   Abominable Frostbite
   Goggplant Parmesan


Mini Chillax
Plush Memet
Alpha Dracoglin
DragonUltraMaster Chariot
   Moglinus Decimus
   Mysterious Necromoglin
   Maple Leaf Turkey 07
   Maple Leaf Turkey '20
   Experimental Robocockatrice
   Paladin Chilly
   Moglord Ghost
   Plush Kickbacker
   Savage Schoolbook
   Mookie Twilly
   Custom Zard
   Baby Void Dragon
   Moglord Warboar
   Possessed Twig Z
   Legendary Pygmy Zombie Groupies
   Retro Twilly G
   Teacher's Snitch
   Rocko & Socko
   MogZard G
   Corrupted Moglin
   Guardian Twily!
   Guardian NPC in a Box VI
   Girl Trobble
   Bobble Devourer
   Naughty Helves
   Lilliputian Sorcerer Army
   Bobble Devourer
   Pixel Stalker
   Deadeye Cupid
   Samukematsuri Kirin
   Plush Scurvy
   Plush Twig
   Plush Twilly
   Plush Zilla
   Plush Zorbak
   Plush Cupcake
   Plush Mort
   Plush Nugget
   Plush Quibble
   Plush Rez
   Plush Scourge
   Mog Lightnaut
   Sand Scurrier
   Northern River Dragon
   Cometoid Jelly
   Ice Guardian Dragon Jr.
   Bronze Guardian Dragon Jr.
   Ghost Hound Z
   Aloha PikaZard
   Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.
   Reindeerling Slayer
   Winter Warden's Abominite
   Unity Squad Moglin

Misc Items

Troofle Fur
Murderator Gauntlet
Amulet of Drakonnan G
Bar of Soap
Whoopee Cushion
Head of Raydius Dragon
Loaded Dice Z
Gelamation Helm
   2021 Olympax Unity Medal
   Porcelain Teapot
   Red Server Cap
   Gold Storage Chest
   Undead Knight Minion Helm
   Moglord Crown
   Mana Trap
   Veywild Helm
   Blood Contract
   Trophy of Supreme Enthusiasm
   Frigid Zorbak Doll
   Guardian Honorary Postdoctorate Diploma
   Blazing Solaris Helm
   13th Mask
   Spirit Stone
   Helm of Drakonnas
   Moldy Basilia Bread
   Paladin Helm
   10th Anniversary Shirt
   Helm of Drakonnan
   Shield Generator
   Guardian CrabApple
   Love Potion #732
   Love Potion #730
   Mother's Charm Earrings
   Taladosian Charm
   Mother's Charm Necklace
   Ring of the Dark Wood
   Lucky Wild Bingo's Foot
   Crucible of Fire V
   Crucible of Fire IV
   Mindlock Orb V
   Divine Wasabi
   Pixel Ether
   Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
   Vial of Mutative Slime
   Catcher's Mask
   Scuba Mask
   Lightning Charm
   Windter Crown
   Greater Water Orb
   Samukematsuri Oni Mask
   Bell Shell
   Thunderbird Joust Headpiece
   AQ's 16th Birthday Cupcake
   Helm of Frostval Past
   Desert Raider Helm
   Hyperalphean Dragon Fang
   Light Orb
   Bag of Mixed Nuts
   Brightslayer Dirk
   2021 Olympax Silver Medal
   Frostwyrm Mask
   AQ's 20th Birthday Cupcake
   Chrono Paladin Hourglass
   Dark Chrono Paladin Hourglass
   Wingweaver's Spirit
   Mountain Pass Globe

House Paintings

Blarney War 4 Million Special
Twilly Portrait
Chilly and Robina
Maxwell, Sasha and Emma
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Older Twilly
Old Twilly
Old Boog
Portal to Kairula
Twig Fishing Minigame
Many Faces of Falerin
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Dracolich Head Portrait
Akriloth Head Portrait
Drakonnan Head Portrait
Carnax Head Portrait
The`Galin Head Portrait
SeekRat Head Portrait
Mogloween Portal Painting
April Fools' Portal Painting
Golden Giftbox Painting
Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime [1E]
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies [1E]
Portal to Trescol
Zorbak Portrait
Pae the Gecko
Dragon's Eye
Snugglefest Portal Painting
When Powers Collide
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Sea Titan
Harvest Portal Painting
Frostval '17: Island of Misfit Ornaments [1E]
Grenwog Portal Painting
20th Anniversary LTS Portal Painting
Rainbow Path Festival Portal Painting
Mogloween '23 Portal Painting

House Guards

Mutant Dracolich Guard!!
Candy Golem
Blue Moglinster Guard
Green Moglinster Guard
Bishop Finch
Drakel Bouncer
Dragoncat Guard
Undead BlackHawke
Ethereal Banshee
Red Moglinster Guard
Nerfkitten Scion
Ghost Knight
Reverse FlibbitiestGibbest
Mighty Shadow Roc
Mighty Shadow Minotaur
Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga
Alpha Dracoglin
Alpha Dracoglin
Alpha Dracoglin
Alpha Dracoglin
Thunder Cat
Thunder Cat
Guard Dog
MeGogg Guard
Ferocious BURP Guard
Drakel Bouncer
Death Worms
Giant Deadwood
Truphma General
Mighty Shadow Hydra
Mighty Shadow Roc
Mighty Shadow Minotaur
Mighty Shada' Naga Witch-Queen
Mighty Shadow Hydra
Mighty Shadow Hydra
Mighty Shadow Minotaur
Mighty Shadow Roc
Mighty Shada' Naga Yaga
Male Neko Waifer
Female Neko Waifer
Front Door
Sugar Gobbler
Diamond Dog Guard


All your moglin are belong to me!
Disciple of Moglimus
Draconic Chronomancer
Disciple of Necromoglin
Essence of The Sun
Tied Up in Red Tape
Lady of Lore
Disciple of Dunamis
Witness to Greatness
In Hot Water
Gemini Rising
Master Blaster
Ticket Taker
To Infinity And Beyond!
Honourary Good Guy
Sweater Survivor
Sweater Saviour
Disciple of Chilly
The Conqueror
Frogzard Hunter
Boredom Beater
Deep Sea Fisher
Feathered Friend
Time Bandit
Swimming in Riches
Un-Uncreated Unstoppable Warlord
Sham Jonin Menace
Monster Hunter
Dragon Dragon Slayer Master
Dragon Dragon Slayer Slayer
Shock to the Heart
One flew over the Kukoo's nest
Disciple of Thernda
Heart of Earth
Corrupted Pyro Chronomancer
Intergalactic Mog Patrol Officer
Dauntless Devourer
Heart of Shadows
Underworld Chronomancer
Disciple of Moglicorn
Disciple of Squee
Knight of Fear Undivided
Paladin Chronomancer
Dark Paladin Chronomancer
Continuum Chronomancer
Chrono Shadowslayer
IceShade Chrono Shadowslayer

Mirror Disguises

Captain Rhubarb
Demon Retro
Skull Retro
Khold Retro
Dark Panther F
Erebus Elite Disguise M
Erebus Elite Disguise F
Snow Angel M
Sunscale Circlet M
Sunscale Circlet F
Snow Angel F
Carnage M
Carnage F
Umazen Prime
Veywild Helm M
Veywild Helm F
Nutcracker M
Nutcracker F
Betrayal Helm Crested M
Betrayal Helm Crested F
Shamrock Shinobi Masked M
Shamrock Shinobi Masked F
Undead Knight Open M
Cursed Dragonslayer M
Mason's Mask M
Twilly Mask M
Zorbak Mask M
Mariachi Mustache M
Fiesta Sombrero Mustache M
Kitsune's Hooded Skull
Frostwalker Hood M
Frostwalker Hood F
Empowered Underworld Chronomancer M
Empowered Underworld Chronomancer F
Underworld Chronomancer M
Underworld Chronomancer F
Draconic Chronomancer M
Draconic Chronomancer F
Frostwyrm Rider Helm M
Frostwyrm Rider Helm F
Moglotron Controller F
Moglotron Controller M
ChickenCow Helm M
Master Fortune Thief M
Master Fortune Thief F
20th Anniversary Top Hat M
Paladin Chronomancer M
Paladin Chronomancer F
Dark Paladin Chronomancer M
Dark Paladin Chronomancer F
Wingweaver Locks M
Wingweaver Locks F
Wingweaver Ruler M
Wingweaver Ruler F
Chrono Shadowslayer M
Chrono Shadowslayer F