AdventureQuest Character



Born on 2/5/2006
Became a Guardian on 7/3/2006
Last Played on 6/21/2024

Mirror Disguises


Shared Vault: View Contents

House: Forest Mansion Estate

Under Attack! Woodcutter Shack Under Attack! Stone Pit Under Attack! Corn Field

War Battle Records   Hide Records

413 character wins
458 character wins
405 character wins
99 character wins
388 character wins
21 character wins
1 character wins
4 character wins
1 character wins
1 character wins
4 character wins
3 character wins
24 character wins
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11 character wins
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26 character wins
8 character wins
12 character wins
93 character wins
13 character wins
20 character wins
25 character wins
7 character wins
6 character wins
15 character wins
12 character wins
34 character wins
9 character wins
8 character wins
85 character wins
76 character wins
231 character wins
2 character wins
3 character wins
12 character wins
3 character wins
28 character wins
50 character wins
89 character wins
49 character wins
128 character wins
10 character wins
12 character wins
307 character wins
30 character wins
4 character wins
1 character wins
21 character wins
35 character wins
3 character wins
15 character wins
531 character wins
20 character wins
480 character wins
52 character wins
167 character wins
8 character wins
4 character wins
61 character wins
41 character wins
18 character wins
22 character wins
16 character wins
7 character wins
25 character wins
42 character wins
272 character wins
179 character wins
3 character wins
193 character wins
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7 character wins
204 character wins
184 character wins
53 character wins
70 character wins
47 character wins
111 character wins
19 character wins
50 character wins
444 character wins
285 character wins
320 character wins
985 character wins
297 character wins
310 character wins
187 character wins
84 character wins
28 character wins
27 character wins
8 character wins
6 character wins


Blade of Awe!!!
High Communicant's Grandeur
Samukematsuri Katana
Sandy Claw
Winter Warden's Basher
Kindred Spirits' Enlightenment
Fallen King's Blade
Haunted Dragonlord's Might
   Ornate Wind Dragon Blade
   Claimh Solais
   Frostgale's Breaker
   Terror Eater
   Mecha Knight Sledge
   Long Talon
   Nulgath's Wrath
   Light Realm Warhammer
   Mighty Blade of Frostval Past
   Far Northern Hospitality
   Fruitcake Sword
   Legendary Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword
   Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword
   Bloodstained Morningstar Devastator
   Blazing Righteous Claymore
   Mutant King Club
   Nocturnal Knight Edge
   Carnafex Blade
   Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements
   Elahi Kopesh of Osiris
   Master's Blade
   Your Bologna
   Sinmaw Maul
   Nova Knight Falchion
   Gambler's Blade
   Frozen Dragon Buster
   Kingdom Breaker
   Chaos Axe
   Doom Knight's Blade
   Omni Knight Blade
   Airenal's Cunning
   Melee Flaming Sword
   Ancient Daito
   Monolith Mace
   Frostval Merc's Blade
   Eternal Twilight's Dread
   Serrated Sacragon Spur
   Heatwave Spadroon
   Eternity Spear
   Shadowfire Axe of Curses
   Hunter's Darklaw
   Ornate Light Dragon Blade
   Purifying Crescent Blade
   13th Machete
   French Vanilla Ice Katana
   Mythical Blade
   Silver Blade of Victory
   Ultraviolet Blade
   Golden Dragon Spear
   DarkSeeker's Sidekick
   Celtic Cleaver
   Thrale's Scorn
   Pumpkin Reaver
   Long Talon Glaive
   Mystic Long Talon
   Unstoppable Grakma Butcherer
   Samukematsuri Warbow
   Samukematsuri Wakizashi
   Giant Butcherer
   Mighty Warmaster's Reaver
   Shattershard Glaive
   Frostgale's Summit
   Lorekeeper's Oath
   Ornate Energy Dragon Blade
   Santarctic Punisher
   Maker-Touched Zweihander
   Tera'Suul's Drive
   Legion Monsterlord Sword


Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Haunted Dragonlord Armour
Samukematsuri Samurai
Kindred Spirits' Valiance
Winter Warden
Fallen King's Plate
Seraphim of Ver
   Necromancer Cloak
   Archer Armour
   High Communicant's Zeal
   Lord of Thunder
   Hyperalphean Barbarian
   Wicked King Plate
   Blazing Bloodzerker
   Airenal's Might
   Light Realm Champion
   Sneak Garb
   Mecha Knight Powersuit
   Zardshi Rider
   War's Legacy
   Charming Swashbuckler
   Legion Doom Knight
   Fruitcake Berserker
   Frostgale's Legacy
   Frozen Dragonslayer
   Blazing Bloodzerker
   Cryomancer's Robe
   Cleric of Carnafex
   Champion Holy Armor
   Shinyaro Form
   Bloodstained Morningstar Bloodline
   Pumpkin Overlord
   Windter Warrior
   Pyromancer Bloodmage
   Terror Raiment
   Nocturnal Knight Rider
   Frogzard Hunter
   Human Fisher
   Elahi Waqaya of Osiris
   Paragon Plate
   Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter
   Fat & Tacky Santa
   Loco Costume G
   Warlord of Nulgath
   Legendary Armour of the Warlord
   Algern's Carapace
   Legendary Predatory Vampire Form
   Dragonhide Armour
   Spirit Protector
   Doom Knight
   White Knight Z
   Chaos Armour
   Light Lord's Cleric
   Quester's Heavy Gunner
   Frostval Mercenary Garb
   Pixel Hero
   Hydrocampus Rider
   Fujin no Kiyousa
   Legendary Samurai Warlord O-Yoroi
   Radiant Guardian Dragon Form Z
   Angelic Robes
   Llyr's Druid
   Twilly Form
   Demonmancer Plate
   Legendary Savage Werewolf Form
   Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit
   Frogzard Rider Armor
   The Decimator
   Headless Horseman
   Axemaster's Burden
   Striker General of Cerberus
   Jack Claws
   Santa Avenger
   Hand of Tera'Suul
   Armour of Frostval Past
   She-Nyaa Form


UltraGuardian Shield
Haunted Dragonlord's Will
Samukematsuri Buckler
High Communicant's Valiance
Kindred Spirits' Devotion
Winter Wardstone
Fallen King's Guard
Grinning Jack
   Frostgale's Grace
   Mecha Knight Defender
   Morningstar Bulwark
   Chieftain's IronThorn
   Stout Talon
   Light Realm Protector
   Fruitcake Wreath
   Hyperalphean Skjoldr
   Defender of Frostval Past
   Arthurian Shield
   Lorian Shield
   Hydro Blaze Shield
   Terror Totem
   Accordion Shield
   Elahi Ikm of Osiris
   Airenal's Crest
   Legendary Shield of the Warbringer
   Transmorpher Shield
   Divine Yata Mirror
   Frostval Merc's Reflexes
   Doom Knight Shield
   Thunder Lord's Crest
   Celtic Wheel
   Zombie Axe Master Shield
   Eternal Twilight's Regalia
   Father Time
   Darkovian Bulwark
   Shield of Agony's Blood
   Lantern of Souls
   Pixel Guard
   Tera'Suul's Scales
   Diversity Defender


Call Dunamis
Cyclone Wyvern Shapeshift
Abominable Frostbite
Samukematsuri Caltrops
Raydius Dragon Shapeshift
   No Lemons, No Melon
   Conjure Shadow
   Call FruitcakeZard
   Invoke Tyrannochicken Rex
   Spectral Chains
   Void Dragon Assault
   Burning Question
   Hyperalphean Invocation
   Invincible Star
   Undead Reindeer Stampede
   Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
   Rising Knightmare
   Gogg Shapeshift


Winter Warden's Abominite
Angra Linnorm
Northern River Dragon
Samukematsuri Kirin
High Communicant's Oath
Kindred Spirits' Tranquility
Frost Effigy
Pixel Stalker
   Snow Angel
   Fujin's Curse
   Ice Guardian Dragon Jr.
   Dire Wolf
   Terror Arañacabra
   Mini Nulgath
   Moglord Warboar
   Elahi Mau of Osiris
   Eternal Twilight's Harbinger
   Psychedelic Dinosaur
   Land Shark
   Trjegul Jr.
   Mana Golem
   Ghost Hound
   Reindeerling Slayer
   Knightmare Squire
   Cometoid Jelly

Misc Items

Hollow Dragon Amulet
Hyperalphean Dragon Fang
Morningstar Emblem
Samukematsuri Oni Mask
Mountain Pass Globe
Head of Raydius Dragon
Sword Master Emblem G
   Terror Visage
   Coire Dagdae
   Elahi Irt of Osiris
   Windter Crown
   Fruitcake Brick
   Kitsune Mask
   Blazing Solaris Helm
   Horo-Show Void Visor
   Knight Helm
   All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon
   Pixel Ether
   Amish Hat
   Divine Yasakani Jewel
   Red Server Cap
   13th Mask
   Nova Knight Great Helm
   Friendship Bracelet
   Mana Trap
   Mystic Plug
   Helm of Frostval Past
   Loaded Dice

House Paintings

Mogloween Portal Painting
Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime [1E]
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Frostval '17: Island of Misfit Ornaments [1E]
Frostval '19: A Song of Ice & Thunder [1E]
Pride Month LTS Portal Painting

House Guards


Omni Knight
Essence of the Wind
Witness to Greatness
Seasonal Spearman
Kingdom Breaker
Essence of the Energy
Holder of DOOM
Champion of Tera'Suul
Champion of Airenal
Queen of Shades
Fears No Fruitcake
The Decimator
Hokuto Shinneko
Immovable Hero
Lord of Thunder
A Glorious Little Pile of Awesome
Once and Future War

Mirror Disguises

Human Boy 15
Summer Time Male
Knight of Rennd
Knight Base M