AdventureQuest Player Vault

The Vault of the Hero


Chambered Eternity Love
Mad Scientist Mace
Big Dictionary
Magic French Vanilla Ice Katana
Snugglefest '17 Commemorative Spoon
Mystic Blade of Frostval Past
Far Northern Wit
Doomed Stormshadow
Void Spear of War
Tome of Cerberus
Grenwog Lance
Stormhawk Scythe
Healing Branch
Paladin's Artifact
Olymp Axe
Ectomancer Staff
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Mad Scientist Mace
Sandy Claw
Spider Standard
Santarctic Destroyer
Santarctic Conqueror
Maker-Touched Zweihander
Steampunk Love Bow
Howling Necromancer Cavalry Lance
Gauntlet of The'Galin


Fat & Tacky Santa
Armour of Frostval Past
Jack Claws
Santa Avenger


Defender of Frostval Past
Desert Raider Defender
Hyperalphean Skjoldr
Thunder Lord's Crest


Dodgeball Z
Spectral Chains
Void Dragon Ambush
G vs K
Arcane Amplification
Tidal Pyre Rat Contract
Infernal Pyre Rat Contract


Psychedelic Dinosaur
Dangerously Adorable Cabbit
Model 294
Gildead Leprechaun
Ghost Hound

Misc Items

Saladmandr Seed Pack
Windter Crown
Wind Stone
Grakma Harbinger
Desert Raider Helm
Scuba Mask
Trickster's Pack
Trickster's Pack
Trickster's Pack