Weapons |
Spear of Awe!!!
Fatal Chimeran Spear
Wyrm Knight's Fang
Spear of Lugh
Elahi Spear of Osiris
Eternal Twilight's Dread
Armors |
Deft Armor of Awe
Fatal Chimeran Vindicator
Wyrm Knight's Hide
Fujin no Kiyousa
Llyr's Druid
Elahi Waqaya of Osiris
Eternal Twilight's Mantle
Axemaster's Burden
storage: |
Shields |
Shield of Awe
Chimeran Vindicator Shield
Wyrm Knight's Scales
Fujin no Shukufuku
Celtic Wheel
Elahi Ikm of Osiris
Eternal Twilight's Regalia
Pets |
Fatal Baby Chimeran
Wyrm Knight's Familiar
Fujin's Curse
Badb Catha
Elahi Mau of Osiris
Eternal Twilight's Harbinger
Misc Items |
Friendship Bracelet
Wyrm Knight's Crest
Divine Yasakani Jewel
Coire Dagdae
Elahi Irt of Osiris
Mirror Disguises |
Human Male 14
Mason's Mask M
Frostspawn Horns M
Spider Warlock